Selection Criteria & Registration
Selection criteria for the 2017 TSCA Texas State Championship, TopGun 100 Invitational Rotation is as follows:
Available solely to Texas TSCA members (as of December 31, 2017)
NSCA records will be used
Invitations will be based on highest to lowest AVERAGE 12ga REGISTERED Events score for 2017, as reported to the NSCA through December 31, 2017
Qualifying TSCA members must have shot 1500 Registered 12ga targets in 2017. Given rotation management requirements, the fact that many qualifiers do not attend State; and the preference of some to shoot alternative schedules, Invitations will be limited to the highest 300 average scores
Email invitations will be sent NSCA “member” records. A valid email address must be on file with the NSCA to receive an invitation.
Registration, Squadding, Other
TopGun 100 Invitational Rotation is 2pm Saturday, 8am Sunday (these times may be updated, give or take 30min – if a change occurs, ALL participants will be notified in a timely manner. Any future updates will be sent to all participating invitees
Invitees have reserved positions but MUST complete their registration online ( or via email or call or text Lois Neely ( 307-248-0002 )
If you have already registered and wish to participate contact Lois Neely (307 248 0002)
EARLY registration is requested; San Angelo Clays Association / TSCA forecasts very high attendance
RSVP to Lois Neely is strongly advised if you do not wish or plan to participate
Invitees will be randomly squaded (except in unusual, special need circumstances )
$5750 in total Awards. Awards list is published separately and will be 5 down beginning with HOA
TopGun 100 participation is not a qualification to win Tx State Championship - HOA
REV 7 MARCH 2018; changes in green