Texas Sporting Clays Association (TSCA) Annual Meeting
June 1, 2018
Consistent with existing practice; as communicated to the TSCA Membership, the TSCA Annual Meeting was held during the Hall of Fame Banquet.
The 2018 Annual Meeting was called to order by Randy Stewart, President.
President Stewart stated that the Minutes of June 2, 2017 required approval of the Membership. It was noted that the Minutes were posted on txclays.com.
They were available for review and comment for approximately a year. No proposed changes to Minutes had been received. In response to inquiry, no changes were proposed by the Membership present.
A motion for Approval as made and duly seconded followed by a vote of the Membership. The Minutes were unanimously approved, as presented.
A Call for discussion of any old, or new business items was made. None were raised. President Stewart indicated there were no other Agenda items.
A motion was made and duly seconded to close the Annual Meeting. The motion passed and the Meeting was closed.
Randy Stewart TSCA President June 1, 2018